Schlagwort-Archive: Geiz


Tiger hat den Igel in der Tasche

Vielleicht muss man sich in finanzieller Hinsicht doch keine Sorgen um Tiger Woods machen. Er spart nämlich an einem Ausgabeposten ganz gewaltig: dem Trinkgeld. Die Miami New Times haben eine Liste der in dieser Hinsicht geizigsten Promis gemacht und Tiger steht an erster Stelle.

“Tiger Woods came in number four on Zimbio’s scrooge compilation and was cited on every single list. The reason he doesn’t tip: The man worth more than $500 million says it’s because he never carries cash. The Frisky reports Tiger dated “a gal in Las Vegas who had to tip for him whenever they went out.” And according to List of the Day ,Tiger once “pulled a mulligan on a $5 tip, repocketing the money meant for a waitress after realizing he had tipped her earlier in the evening. He was possibly distracted by the $10,000 hand of blackjack he was playing.” Hey, Tiger, we have a tip for you: When it comes to leaving money for those who are serving you, just do it.”